Monday, October 5, 2009


Our September was a busy and fun month. Not only did Maggie start preschool and celebrate her 4th birthday, we had some family visit us from out of town and we had the pleasure of spending a week with them and their super cute little girl, Taylor. We packed in every possible activity from Disneyland to the Conan O'Brien show and by the end of the week everyone was exhausted. About 48 hours after they left Maggie started running a high fever, then a day or so after that her ear drums ruptured, then 2 days after that Joe started running a fever, and when he woke up screaming the Dr. confirmed what I already knew: double ear infections. So far Delaney is scraping by with a runny nose and nothing else. She's really upset at this since she feels left out when medication is dispensed. I've taken to putting grape juice in a dropper and telling her it's Dimetap (so far so good). :)
Hopefully this is not indicative of what our cold season is going to be like--yikes!

Our first experience on the Buzz Lightyear ride: total success
Taylor making her scrunchy face for the camera
The girls LOVED 'It's a Small World'
Photo-op with Minnie
Kyle, Courtney, Taylor, Delaney, Jenny, Kody, Joe & Maggie

Maggie & Peyton (she had a SUPER cool party at Aunt Michelle's house--they have a trampoline, need I say more?)
A day at Apple Hill
Maggie (bad picture, sorry Maggie), Taylor, Henry, Charlie, Joe & Delaney

Charlie is wondering what happened to his PRIVATE bath session right about now.

1 comment:

The Bridges said...

Such cute pictures! We had a great time with you all. Thanks for putting up with us for a week. :)